25 September 2014

Histology of Muscle Tissue

Histology Lab - Video 8: Muscle Tissue

This video guides you through the basic histology of Muscle Tissue.

Tissue and Cells looked at are: Skeletal Muscle (longitudinal and cross-section), Motor-end plate preparation, Cardiac muscle, Smooth muscle in the gut and small artery.

The learning objectives are:
1.Distinguish the three types of muscle seen in the light microscope
2. Know the structural morphology of each muscle type

Courtesy of William Krause, PhD .
These videos will orient you to each cell and tissue type as well as prepare you for medical practice
Dr. Krause made these videos to help his class in learning and studying histology. Because of overwhelming demand, he would like to make them available world-wide.
Used and uploaded with full permission of William Krause, PhD (The Producer and narrator).

Dr. Krause is a member of the Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences at the University of Missouri. He has won several awards for teaching at the School of Medicine and is the author of many books including a study guide to go along with this video series:

Please be encouraged to visit Dr. Krause's webpage

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